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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Honestly, how DUMB can the Thugs managing all of the money that the government steals from us really be??

I'm just a stupid Millwright from Saline,Louisiana, but even I know that you can't get out of debt by borrowing money. Especially money that you know Dang well you have no hope of earning in the future.

Everyone talks about how bad the economy is, how it is going to recover, blah,blah,blah.
In truth, it can't and it won't until WE admit what is wrong in the first place.
That is the one thing you never hear anyone talking about.......the real reason it is all falling apart.

It's not the "housing bubble", or the stock market, or any of the Myriad of reasons they give us while they lie about fixing it when what they are really doing is ruining our children's future.

We used to make stuff......tangible goods that were traded for money. People got up every morning and went to WORK, because if they didn't then they couldn't eat. If you tried harder than the next guy, eventually you probably had it better than he did. At the end of the week you got paid,saved some if you could and spent the rest. No one cared about "stimulating the economy" because it was self sustaining.

Remember when "made in china" was equal to JUNK?
How about when Wal-Mart had "Sam's AMERICAN Choice?"
It seems to me that two things have happened,

1. People stopped caring where things are made, all they want is CHEAPER CHEAPER CHEAPER. I tend to blame Wal-Mart for a lot of this, click the link and read some of the stories about how they treat people who supply goods to them.

2. Companies have become increasingly profit seems that anything is ok as long as we make a few people RICH, no one in control gives a hoot in hell about the people actually out there actually converting manual labor into tangible goods and services that allow the Company itself to exist, let alone make a profit. When the CEO makes millions but won't even pay the people at the bottom a wage they can live on......that set's off alarm bells to me.

One last thing.
We really need to stop teaching our children that traditional blue collar jobs equal failure.
Everyone isn't cut out to go to college and there are still several very lucrative careers that actually involve hot,dirty, dangerous work. (Particularly in the Skilled Trades, they are shrinking but they are still out there.)