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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I came upon THIS today......and it made me wonder.
Today's society seems to abhor labels in any shape or form,that is,unless it is politically correct.

I ask you this though,
where is the website dedicated to embarrassing deadbeat moms? Maybe the one listing the numbers/websites for Parent's who's custodial rights are frustrated on a regular basis?
Trust your good friend Luap when he tells you that they don't exist. Why you ask? I haven't the slightest idea, I guess it's just cool to hate on dear old DAD.

I wonder how many people truly know the underbelly of the beast that is Child Support/Child Custody.
Here is how it works.
YOU will pay your child support!!!!
It doesn't matter if it's spent on your child. It doesn't matter what is done with it........just PAY it, because you are court ordered to.
If you don't you will be RAILROADED into court and coerced into pleading guilty to a "contempt of court" charge, never being told that our Constitution says that any court proceeding that could result in Jail time gives you the right to a trial by jury, nope, they act as if you ought to be glad they don't throw your sorry ass in jail that very day, how dare you thumb your nose at a court order.

What about my Custody rights? You ask, they are court ordered too!!!!!........well, son, that's a CIVIL matter, you need to hire you one of them there Lawyers.......

Surely not Luap!!!! Our courts are fair and everyone has equal rights.........I really hope you don't believe that.


All most divorced Fathers want is to be just that, FATHERS.
Some of us truly try to be in every way we can, it's not our fault we were forcefully removed from our children's lives without any thought or input. But time and time again we are shown that we will never be allowed those rights again.
The way the deck is stacked is staggering. Courts grant restraining and or protective orders on a whim without any grounds whatsoever. These enable Father's to be further alienated because they can be jailed on a whim......
(email me if you want and I will tell you those stories lmao.)
If you have read this far, I urge you to read this. It puts how some of us feel into words more eloquent than I can produce. I have read it a thousand times and it always hits home.
I'll get off my soapbox now.

Just remember, if ever you get divorced or are even part of a conversation where
"deadbeat dads" come up.

All most of us ask is to be a FATHER, but society turns us into "twice removed uncles who see our children 4 days a month IF we are lucky."

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